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Weblogic does not stop in Eclipse

Filed under: Software-Entwicklung — Schlagwörter: , — Erik @ 05:32


While using Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (Version with Weblogic 11gR1 (that is for some weeks
I suddenly was not able to stop the Weblogic server. Whatever method I used to stop the server, it didn’t work. When I restarted Eclipse
the Weblogic server started automatically again. Also, there were no more console output neither from the server nor from my application.


I manually started the „bin\stopWeblogic.cmd“ skript in the domain home directory using the Windows console. You can go to the
domain home by right-clicking the server in the „Servers“ view and choosing „Go To > Domain Home“. When I started the server
again from within Eclipse, the console output was there again and stopping the server worked well again. All is well 🙂

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