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What Should You Be Thinking About?

Filed under: Selbst-Management — Schlagwörter: — Erik @ 21:31

From the same-titled post @ Sources of Insight

Right here, right now, during my workout, I should be thinking about the feel of the muscles in my chest, squeezing tightly.

I couldn’t help but think how much more we get out of things, when we know what we should be thinking about, whether it’s an exercise routine, a task at work, or a significant performance.

Otherwise, we miss the moments that matter.

And we miss the moments that make us.

So true. #mindfullness


Capture what you learn, capture what you know

Filed under: Medien,Selbst-Management — Schlagwörter: , — Erik @ 23:23

In her blogpost Mapping what I’m learning, Sacha Chua ponders about using mapping to get an overview of what she is learning and of what she knows. She already captures knowledge in sketches, blogposts and Evernote notes. For her,

Mapping is about organizing topics so that I can see the relationships, find the gaps, and keep moving forward.

This post is a reminder for me that I do not capture enough of my knowledge. I have a private wiki (as recommended in „Pragmatic Thinking and learning„) but I rarely use it. It is also a reminder that „text“ is just one option to capture knowledge. There are more graphical options like topic maps and mind maps. They tend to let you use both of your brain hemispheres whereas „text-only“ is „left hemisphere“ heavy. I try to use mind maps more these days.

Sacha mentions „How to read a book“ by Adler and van Doren. It’s looks interesting and there appears to be an online full-text „pre-view“ on Google Books. A pointer to get more out of books.

In the comment section there is a reference to IBIS (Issue based Information System) which basically is about recording issues (questions), positions (ideas) and arguments in order to preserve important decision making processes in addition to recording just the results. The overview mentions IBIS as a tool to capture design rationale. I think I read about it several years ago. It might even have been a paper about  Questions, Options and Criteria (QOC). So this is a pointer from personal knowledge management to organizational knowlege management.

So thanks for the nice post. It got me thinking.


Mindfulness Links (October 2013)

Filed under: Selbst-Management — Schlagwörter: , — Erik @ 22:25

5 Common misconception about meditation: Biggest take away for me: Meditation is not about creating a blank mind but to „setting time aside to guide your mind“.

4 Important Things About Mindfulness You Didn’t Realize: how to handle your negative emotions mindfully

The Big Chill-Out: How Meditation Can Help With Everything: reminder that meditation is about becoming familiar with your mind. and it can change your gene expressions.

BER durch „Scope Creep“ in großen Schwierigkeiten

Filed under: Medien — Schlagwörter: — Erik @ 22:01

Was eigentlich schon in einer ZDF-Doku bekannt wurde, hat ein jetzt ans Licht der Öffentlichkeit gekommenes Gutachten bestätigt: durch viele Änderungen seitens des Auftraggebers ohne gleichzeitige Verlängerung der Laufzeit („scope creep„) Ich sehe hier auch Versagen seitens des Projektmanagements.

Die Kündigung des Generalplaners pg bbi im Mai 2012 kann ich zwar verstehen; mir kommt dabei aber auch Brook’s Law in den Sinn:

Wenn man mehr Leute in ein verspätetes (Software-)Projekt steckt, verspätet es sich noch mehr.

Wobei man hier ja zunächst nicht mehr Leute reingesteckt hat, sondern erst mal alle abgezogen und dann, weil man das Know-how doch braucht, peu-à-peu wieder (teurer!) eingekauft. Das verlängert die Laufzeit vermutlich noch weiter als „mehr Leute reinstecken“.

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